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what is nbn supplied equipment?

nbn supplied equipment refers to any equipment nbn installs in your home as part of the network rollout.

nbn supplied equipment varies depending on the technology type used at your premises.

Any nbn equipment usually features an nbn logo. It can include the nbn connection box, cabling from the street to the building, and any nbn wall plates or sockets.

If you are moving home, remember to leave your nbn branded device and any associated cables at your premises when you move.

nbn HFC Connection Devicenbn HFC Connection Device

Pictured above is the nbn supplied equipment for a Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) connection.

nbn FTTC Network Connection Devicenbn FTTC Network Connection Device

Pictured above is the nbn supplied equipment for a Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) connection.